At SHCS, OUTDOOR EDUCATION AND MISSION are integral to the curriculum, and not an optional extracurricular activity. It is our vision to ensure that every student from Prep – Year 10 is immersed in the goodness of God’s natural world. We want them to see, taste, touch, smell and hear the wonder of the beautiful creation that God has made. To accomplish this, we have tailored a program of experiences to build student confidence in engaging with the outdoors, with the aim of inspiring awe at all the natural world has to offer. These adventures are structured in such a way that each prior experience is built upon and expanded, to grow students' skills in interacting safely with the natural environment in enjoyable ways through outdoor activities, nature-based learning and mission opportunities. These united areas of our School involve significant spiritual and personal growth opportunities from Prep to Year 10, and implementation opportunities in Year 11 and 12.
Essentially, our youngest students start by thinking and acting to help those immediately around them. As they progress through their educational journey, they increasingly become aware and active in their community, state, country and world. Cindi McMenamin explains that students must not lose sight of their ultimate destination. If they do, their journey through life’s challenges becomes meaningless. When students stop thinking of their final destination as believers, they will miss the opportunities throughout life that God gives them to refine their character, give Him glory, share Him with others, and ultimately prepare them for eternity with Him in heaven. In essence, they will miss their call to action.
To grow and foster this, each year of growth is centered around a biblical theme and focus word …